Aircraft and equipment

Aircraft first part

For this flight around the world I have chosen a Beechcraft B60 Duke. I wanted to first go on with a lighter plane, but I needed something that can climb to higher altitudes (to go over higher terrain I will encounter) and also be capable of  long range flight to cross the Oceans.

Aircraft second part

Due to wanting something smaller and with a more high  tech cockpit I traded my B60 Duke for an A36 Bonanza. This will allow me to better see the scenery enroute because it doesnt have the engines on the wings. The aircraft is fitted with modified long range tanks for some of the longer legs of the journey like the Pacific crossing.


My first choice was a glass cockpit, but could not really find a very realistic aircraft that was fit for my needs, therfore I chose one withh classic instrument, but ensured I have the Reality XP GNS430 on board for the navigation. This will make the experience more realistic and also the terrain feature will come in handy on the way.

The A36 Bonanza also has a Aspen EFD1000 unit installed instead of the classic steam gauges for the attitude indicator and HSI.

I wanted to also have a weather radar, but as I could not find any space  for it in the cockpit I gave up on that thought.

Flight Planning

Flight planning will be done using the wonderfull VFR planner called PlanG. I will try to fly as much as possible VFR to enjoy the scenery, but  sometimes , due to weather or other factors, I will also fly IFR. Route will be be chosen depending on the different  landmarks and places I would want to visit. I have only made a high level plan of where I should go.

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